Easy Money
While playing, press Right, Left, A, B, C, Z, Y, X, Right, Left. Your money will rise to $5,000! Repeat this code as many times as you wish.
Lazer Orcas
Build an Orca, then press X, Y, Z, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, X. Your orca's will be armed with two lasers with Obelisk of Light power!
Keep the Sidebar
While playing, press L, then C to restore the mouse cursor and keep the sidebar at all times.
Extra Units
After you've built a power plant and a barracks or Hand of NOD, press Y, A, B, B, A, Down, A, B, B, A, Down, Up. You can now build SSM'S, mobile construction yards, and commandos!
Ion Cannon
While playing, press A, B, C, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, B to gain an Ion Cannon!
Nuclear Bomb
While playing, press A, B, C, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, A for a Nuclear Bomb!
Reveal Map
While playing, press Up, Down, Right, Left, A, Up, Down, Right, Left, A. The map should be revealed.
Toxic Lab
While playing, press C, Right, A, Z, Y, B, Up, B, B, A. Now you can build a Toxic Lab and create Visceroids.
Capture Vehicles
The easiest way to catch an enemy's vehicle is seize the structure or platform where it rests. To capture a harvester, wait until it enters a refinery, then capture the building that it is in. To acquire a helicopter, seize the pad on which it has landed.